§ 6-13-1306 - School council powers and duties.
6-13-1306. School council powers and duties.
The school council established under this subchapter may implement policies in the following areas:
(1) Planning and resolution of issues regarding instructional practices;
(2) Selection and implementation of discipline and classroom management techniques, including responsibilities of the student, parent, teacher, counselor, and principal;
(3) Curriculum, including:
(A) Needs assessment;
(B) Curriculum development;
(C) Alignment with state standards;
(D) Technology utilization; and
(E) Program appraisal;
(4) Assignment of all instructional and noninstructional staff time;
(5) Provision for planning time for instructional staff;
(6) Assignment of students to classes and programs within the school;
(7) Determination of the schedule of the school day and week, subject to the beginning and ending times of the school day and school calendar year as specified in the personnel policies or negotiated agreements;
(8) Determination of use of school space during the school day and week; and
(9) Selection of extracurricular programs and determination of policies relating to student participation based on academic qualifications and attendance requirements, program evaluation, and supervision.