§ 27-35-206 - Width of vehicles.
27-35-206. Width of vehicles.
(a) No vehicle operated upon the highways of this state shall have a total outside width, unladen or with load, in excess of one hundred two inches (102''), excluding certain safety devices as designated by the state, unless a greater width is authorized by special permit issued by competent authority as provided in 27-35-210. Provided, vehicles, as defined in 27-14-207, utilized to transport compacted seed cotton from the farm to the first point at which such seed cotton shall first undergo any processing, preparation for processing, or transformation from its compacted state may operate upon all highways of this state, with the exception of federal interstate highways, with widths not exceeding one hundred eight inches (108'') without such special permit; however, such vehicles must be equipped and operated in compliance with the traffic laws of this state as well as all safety rules and regulations of the United States Department of Transportation and the State Highway Commission. Additionally, such vehicles utilized to transport compacted seed cotton with widths exceeding one hundred two inches (102''), but not exceeding one hundred eight inches (108''), must be equipped and operated with both front and rear bumpers if operated individually, or, if operated in combination with other vehicles, must be equipped with a front bumper on the vehicle furnishing the motive power and with a rear bumper on the rear vehicle operated in that combination. Furthermore, such vehicles, when operated individually, or in combination with other vehicles, on the roads, highways, or streets of this state must be equipped with a sign or placard on the front and on the rear of the vehicle when operated individually, or on the front of the vehicle furnishing the motive power and on the rear of any vehicle operated in combination with the vehicle furnishing the motive power, when operated in combination, indicating that vehicle or combination of vehicles is slow-moving. Such signs or placards shall be of such a size, dimension, and color that it is readily apparent to the traveling public that the vehicle or combination is slow-moving and shall be in accordance with rules and regulations to be made and promulgated by the commission.
(b) Any person owning such a vehicle or combination of vehicles found operating such a vehicle or combination on the highways, roads, or streets of this state without the required bumpers or without the required signs or placards shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined in a sum of not less than three hundred dollars ($300) and not more than three thousand dollars ($3,000).