Subchapter 2 - Tax Credits for Certain Oil and Gas Producers
- § 26-58-201 - Definitions.
- § 26-58-202 - Applicability.
- § 26-58-203 - Penalty.
- § 26-58-204 - Credit on severance tax of oil producer.
- § 26-58-205 - Credit on severance tax of gas producer.
- § 26-58-206 - Permit for credit.
- § 26-58-207 - Reports of tax due on oil produced.
- § 26-58-208 - Amounts of credits or tax -- Maximum annual credits allowed.
- § 26-58-209 - Cost of maintaining salt water disposal system.
- § 26-58-210 - Records.
- § 26-58-211 - [Repealed.]