§ 26-54-113 - Disposition of funds.
26-54-113. Disposition of funds.
(a) All taxes and penalties collected under the provisions of this chapter each month shall be deposited into the State Treasury to the credit of the Revenue Holding Fund Account of the State Apportionment Fund.
(b) (1) On or before the fifth day of the following month, the Treasurer of State shall allocate and transfer the taxes and penalties collected to the General Revenue Fund Account of the State Apportionment Fund until a total of eight million dollars ($8,000,000) has been transferred during a fiscal year.
(2) After the transfers required by subdivision (b)(1) of this section have been made, the taxes and penalties collected under this chapter during the remainder of the fiscal year shall be special revenues, and the Treasurer of State shall transfer the taxes and penalties collected to the Educational Adequacy Fund after making the deductions required by 19-5-203(b)(2).