§ 26-54-112 - Reinstatement of corporations.
26-54-112. Reinstatement of corporations.
(a) (1) (A) (i) Any corporation whose charter or permit authority to do business in the state has been declared forfeited by proclamation of the Governor or the Secretary of State may be reinstated to all its rights, powers, and property.
(ii) Reinstatement shall be retroactive to the time that the corporation's authority to do business in the state was declared forfeited.
(B) The reinstatement shall be made after the filing of all delinquent franchise tax reports satisfactory to the Secretary of State and the payment of all taxes and penalties due for each year of delinquency.
(2) However, no reinstatement shall be allowed after seven (7) years from the date the charter or permit authority to do business in the state was declared forfeited by proclamation of the Governor or the Secretary of State.
(b) If the Secretary of State issued the original corporate charter, permit, or authority, the Secretary of State shall reinstate the corporation upon payment by the corporation of all amounts due, as provided in subsection (a) of this section.
(c) (1) If the original corporate charter, permit, or authority was issued by an official other than the Secretary of State, the official shall reinstate the corporation upon the corporation's filing with the official the receipt of the Secretary of State showing payment of all amounts due, as provided in subsection (a) of this section.
(2) Thereafter, the corporation shall stand in all respects as though its name had never been declared forfeited.