§ 26-51-2205 - Procedure to claim tax credit -- Transferring credit.
26-51-2205. Procedure to claim tax credit -- Transferring credit.
(a) (1) A holder shall submit the certification of completion and documents proving an assignment, if any, with the appropriate tax collection authority at the time of filing the holder's income tax return or premium tax return.
(2) The appropriate tax collection authority may refuse to recognize the Arkansas historic rehabilitation income tax credit claimed if the holder fails to submit the certification of completion and any assignment documents.
(b) The amount of the Arkansas historic rehabilitation income tax credit that may be used by a holder for a taxable year may equal but shall not exceed the amount of income tax or premium tax due.
(c) A holder of an unused Arkansas historic rehabilitation income tax credit may carry forward part or all of an Arkansas historic rehabilitation income tax credit for five (5) consecutive taxable years to apply against the holder's income taxes due or the holder's premium tax due.
(d) (1) An owner of an Arkansas historic rehabilitation income tax credit may freely transfer, sell, or assign part or all of the Arkansas historic rehabilitation income tax credit amount identified in the certification of completion.
(2) A subsequent holder may transfer, sell, or assign part or all of the remaining Arkansas historic rehabilitation income tax credit.
(e) An owner may sell the owner's eligible property after the issuance of the certification of completion.
(f) An Arkansas historic rehabilitation income tax credit granted to a partnership, Subchapter S corporation, a limited liability company taxed as a partnership, or multiple owners of property shall be passed through to the partners, members, or owners respectively on a pro rata basis or pursuant to an executed agreement among the partners, members, or owners documenting an alternate distribution method.
(g) (1) A holder may use the Arkansas historic rehabilitation income tax credit to offset up to one hundred percent (100%) of the state income taxes due or premium tax due from the holder.
(2) A holder is not required to have any ownership or other interest in the eligible property for which an Arkansas historic rehabilitation income tax credit is claimed.
(3) An Arkansas historic rehabilitation income tax credit may be used up to its total amount by any holder without limitation and is not subject to limits imposed by federal law or regulation on the use of federal rehabilitation tax credits.
(h) An owner or holder that assigns part or all of an Arkansas historic rehabilitation income tax credit shall perfect the transfer by notifying the Department of Arkansas Heritage and the appropriate tax collection authority in writing within thirty (30) calendar days following the effective date of the transfer and shall provide any information as may be required by the department and the appropriate tax collection authority to administer and carry out this subchapter and to ensure proper tracking of the ownership of the unused Arkansas historic rehabilitation income tax credit.
(i) (1) Any consideration received for the transfer of the Arkansas historic rehabilitation income tax credit shall not be included as income taxable by the State of Arkansas.
(2) Any consideration paid for the transfer of the Arkansas historic rehabilitation income tax credit shall not be deducted from income taxable by the State of Arkansas.