§ 26-51-1002 - Legislative findings.

26-51-1002. Legislative findings.

(a) The State of Arkansas is blessed with abundant rainfall and other surface and underground water resources which, when managed conjunctively, can provide a continuous high quality water supply to meet the foreseeable needs of the entire state.

(b) Existing water use patterns are depleting groundwater supplies at an unacceptable rate, and alternative surface water supplies are not available in sufficient quantities to alleviate this groundwater depletion problem.

(c) The tax incentives provided in this subchapter will encourage the water users to invest in:

(1) The construction of impoundments to utilize available surface water and reduce our dependence on groundwater;

(2) The conversion from groundwater use to surface water use when surface water is available; and

(3) The water conservation practice of land leveling to reduce agricultural irrigation water use.

(d) It is of utmost importance to Arkansas that, within critical groundwater areas, surface water be used when available.