Subchapter 1 - General Provisions
- § 26-28-101 - Form of tax books.
- § 26-28-102 - Electronic data processing equipment.
- § 26-28-103 - Extension of taxes.
- § 26-28-104 - Recapitulation of taxes.
- § 26-28-105 - Entry for omitted years.
- § 26-28-106 - Charging uncollected taxes.
- § 26-28-107 - Marking of forfeited lands.
- § 26-28-108 - Delivery of tax books to collector.
- § 26-28-109 - [Repealed.]
- § 26-28-110 - Public records -- Preservation.
- § 26-28-111 - Correction of errors.
- § 26-28-112 - Books for two judicial districts.
- § 26-28-113 - Deposit of books in proper district.
- § 26-28-114 - Listing of the real estate parcels or personal assessments.
- § 26-28-115 - Emergency petition.