§ 25-30-101 - State Board of Career Education.
25-30-101. State Board of Career Education.
(a) There is hereby created the State Board of Career Education, hereinafter referred to as "the board".
(b) The State Board of Vocational Education created by 6-11-101 is abolished and transferred to the State Board of Career Education by a type 3 transfer under 25-2-106.
(c) The State Board of Career Education shall be composed as follows:
(1) Seven (7) members appointed by the Governor subject to confirmation by the Senate, one (1) member from each congressional district and three (3) members from the state at large; and
(2) The members shall be selected from among parents, business, industry, labor, persons with disabilities, minorities, and other groups who shall be representative of the many career opportunities available in the state such as:
(A) Administration, business, and finance management;
(B) Agriculture, forestry, and natural resources;
(C) Art, media, and communications;
(D) Construction and extractive;
(E) Education and training services;
(F) Health and medical services;
(G) Hospitality and tourism;
(H) Legal and protective services;
(I) Manufacturing, processing, and systems operations;
(J) Marketing, sales, and promotion;
(K) Mechanical and technical services and precision crafts;
(L) Natural and applied science and engineering;
(M) Personal and commercial services; and
(N) Transportation and material moving.
(d) The term of office of members shall be seven (7) years, except that at the first meeting the members shall draw lots for staggered terms so that no more than one (1) membership shall expire each year on June 30.
(e) No person may serve as a member of the State Board of Career Education unless he or she is a qualified elector of this state.
(f) No candidate for or holder of a public office in the state, Director of the Department of Education or Director of the Department of Higher Education, employee of a public school district, employee of a postsecondary or higher education institution, or member of any board of directors or board of trustees of any postsecondary or higher education institution in this state shall serve as a member of the State Board of Career Education.
(g) When a vacancy occurs in the membership of the board, a successor will be appointed in the same manner as the person succeeded and will serve the person's unexpired term, subject to all other provisions of this subchapter.
(h) The members of the State Board of Career Education shall serve without remuneration, except as specified in 25-16-901 et seq. for the state board of vocational education.
(i) The State Board of Career Education shall elect from its own number a chair and such other officers as may be deemed necessary to carry on its business.
(j) The State Board of Career Education shall meet at least one (1) time during each calendar quarter and at such other times upon call of the chair or any other three (3) members.
(k) (1) The State Board of Career Education shall appoint from its membership a liaison officer to the State Board of Education, the Arkansas Higher Education Coordinating Board, the Department of Human Services, the Department of Workforce Services, and the Arkansas Economic Development Commission.
(2) Liaison officers shall attend the board and council meetings or other appropriate meetings as designated by the chair and shall represent and articulate the policies of the State Board of Career Education to these boards, councils, and agencies.
(l) The Director of the Department of Education and the Director of the Department of Higher Education shall serve as ex officio nonvoting members of the State Board of Career Education.
(m) The Director of the Department of Higher Education and the Director of the Department of Career Education shall serve as ex officio nonvoting members of the State Board of Education.
(n) The Director of the Department of Career Education and the Director of the Department of Education shall serve as ex officio nonvoting members of the Arkansas Higher Education Coordinating Board.