§ 25-2-109 - Senatorial confirmation of certain appointments.
25-2-109. Senatorial confirmation of certain appointments.
(a) Irrespective of other provisions of this act to the contrary, if the laws in effect on the date of the passage of this act required senatorial confirmation of the appointment of any board or commission member, or of the head of any agency or department of government, or of any head of a division of an agency or department of government, and that board, commission, agency, or department is consolidated or merged with a principal department under this act, then the appointments requiring confirmation shall be made as provided in this act with respect to all agencies merged or consolidated into a principal department by a type 1, 2, 3, or 4 transfer.
(b) It is the intent of this act, with respect to all affairs of government which are under the administrative control or responsibility of any official of government whose appointment was subject to senatorial confirmation prior to the passage of this act, that the head of the successor department or the head of the division within the successor department into which the agency or program was merged shall be subject to confirmation of the Senate.