§ 23-115-801 - Lottery proceeds.

23-115-801. Lottery proceeds.

(a) (1) All lottery proceeds are the property of the Arkansas Lottery Commission.

(2) (A) The commission shall pay its operating expenses from its lottery proceeds.

(B) (i) An amount of lottery proceeds determined by the commission to maximize net proceeds shall be made available as prize money.

(ii) (a) Subdivision (a)(2)(B)(i) of this section does not create any lien, entitlement, cause of action, or other private right.

(b) In setting the terms of a lottery, the commission shall determine any rights of holders of tickets or shares.

(3) The percentage of lottery proceeds determined by the commission to be net proceeds shall equal an amount determined by the commission to maximize net proceeds.

(b) (1) On or before the fifteenth day of each month, the commission shall deposit the net proceeds from the lottery into one (1) or more trust accounts at one (1) or more financial institutions.

(2) The commission shall follow the investment policy guidelines of the State Board of Finance in selecting a financial institution and managing the net proceeds from the lottery deposited into a trust account.

(c) (1) The Director of the Department of Higher Education shall certify to the commission the amount of net proceeds from the lottery needed to fund the scholarships awarded to recipients under 6-85-201 et seq. for each semester of an academic year.

(2) (A) (i) The commission shall transfer the funds requested by the director under subdivision (c)(1) of this section into one (1) or more trust accounts at one (1) or more financial institutions meeting the requirements of subdivision (b)(2) of this section maintained by the department.

(ii) The director shall disburse trust account funds only in the name of the recipient:

(a) To an approved institution of higher education; or

(b) If a recipient transfers to another approved institution of higher education, to the approved institution of higher education where the recipient transferred.

(3) By August 1 of each year, the director shall provide to the commission and to the Arkansas Lottery Commission Legislative Oversight Committee for the academic year just ended an accounting of all trust accounts maintained by the department, including without limitation:

(A) Total deposits to all trust accounts;

(B) Total disbursements from the trust accounts; and

(C) The balance remaining in the trust accounts.

(d) (1) The General Assembly finds that:

(A) The administration of scholarships with proceeds from the lottery are expenses of the commission; and

(B) Because the department has the expertise and experienced staff needed to efficiently and appropriately administer the scholarships, the commission shall use the services of the department to administer scholarships funded with net proceeds from the lottery.

(2) The commission shall reimburse the department for the costs of administering the scholarship awards funded with net proceeds from the lottery after review of the reimbursement amount by the Arkansas Lottery Commission Legislative Oversight Committee.

(3) The department shall refund to the Higher Education Grants Fund Account the amount of a reimbursement received from the commission under this subsection for services provided and funded from the fund account.