§ 23-115-601 - Retailers.
23-115-601. Retailers.
(a) The General Assembly recognizes that to conduct a successful lottery, the Arkansas Lottery Commission must develop and maintain a statewide network of retailers that will serve the public convenience and promote the sale of tickets or shares and the playing of lotteries while ensuring the integrity of lottery operations, games, and activities.
(b) The commission shall make every effort to provide small retailers a chance to participate in the sales of tickets or shares.
(c) The commission shall provide for compensation to retailers in the form of commissions in an amount of not less than five percent (5%) of gross sales of tickets and shares and may provide for other forms of compensation for services rendered in the sale or cashing of tickets or shares.
(d) (1) For purposes of display, the commission shall issue a license to each person that it licenses as a retailer.
(2) (A) Every retailer shall post and keep conspicuously displayed in a location on the premises accessible to the public its license.
(B) A license is not assignable or transferable.
(e) (1) A person considered as a retailer shall apply to the Identification Bureau of the Department of Arkansas State Police for a state and federal criminal background check, to be conducted by the Identification Bureau of the Department of Arkansas State Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
(2) The state and federal criminal background check shall conform to the applicable federal standards and shall include the taking of fingerprints.
(3) The applicant shall sign a consent to the release of information for the state and federal criminal background check.
(4) The commission shall be responsible for the payment of any fee associated with the state and federal criminal background check.
(5) Upon completion of the state and federal criminal background check, the Identification Bureau of the Department of Arkansas State Police shall forward to the commission all releasable information obtained concerning the applicant.
(f) (1) The commission shall develop a list of objective criteria upon which the qualification of retailers shall be based.
(2) The commission shall develop separate criteria to govern the selection of retailers of instant tickets.
(3) In developing the criteria, the commission shall consider certain factors, including without limitation:
(A) The applicant's financial responsibility;
(B) Security of the applicant's place of business or activity;
(C) Accessibility to the public;
(D) The applicant's integrity; and
(E) The applicant's reputation.
(4) The commission shall not consider political affiliation, activities, or monetary contributions to political organizations or candidates for any public office.
(5) The criteria shall include without limitation the following:
(A) (i) The applicant shall be current in filing all applicable tax returns to the State of Arkansas and in payment of all taxes, interest, and penalties owed to the State of Arkansas, excluding items under formal appeal under applicable statutes.
(ii) The Department of Finance and Administration shall provide to the commission the information required under subdivision (f)(5)(A)(i) of this section;
(B) The commission shall not select as a retailer any person who:
(i) Has been convicted of a criminal offense related to the security or integrity of a lottery in this or any other jurisdiction;
(ii) (a) Has been convicted of any illegal gambling activity, false statements, false swearing, or perjury in this or any other jurisdiction or convicted of any crime punishable by more than one (1) year of imprisonment or a fine of more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), or both.
(b) Subdivision (f)(5)(B)(ii)(a) of this section shall not apply if the person's civil rights have been restored and at least five (5) years have elapsed from the date of the completion of the sentence without a subsequent conviction of a crime described in subdivision (f)(5)(B)(ii)(a) of this section;
(iii) Has been found to have violated this chapter or any rule, policy, or procedure of the commission unless:
(a) Ten (10) years have passed since the violation; or
(b) The commission finds the violation both minor and unintentional in nature;
(iv) Is a vendor or an employee or agent of a vendor doing business with the commission;
(v) Is a member of the commission, or a member of the immediate family of a member of the commission;
(vi) Has made a statement of material fact to the commission knowing the statement to be false; or
(vii) (a) Is engaged exclusively in the business of selling tickets or shares.
(b) Subdivision (f)(5)(B)(vii)(a) of this section does not preclude the commission from selling or giving away tickets or shares for promotional purposes;
(C) (i) A person applying to become a retailer shall be charged a uniform application fee determined by rule for each lottery outlet.
(ii) The application fee shall take into account the cost of a state and federal criminal background check under subsection (e) of this section; and
(D) All retailer licenses may be renewable annually in the discretion of the commission unless canceled or terminated by the commission.
(g) (1) A retailer or an applicant to be a retailer shall not provide a gift or compensation to:
(A) The Director of the Arkansas Lottery Commission, a commission member, or a commission employee; or
(B) A member of the immediate family of the director, a commission member, or a commission employee.
(2) (A) Any person who knowingly violates subdivision (g)(1) of this section shall be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
(B) (i) The Arkansas Ethics Commission shall also have the authority to investigate and address alleged violations of subdivision (g)(1) of this section.
(ii) The Arkansas Ethics Commission shall have the same power and authority to enforce the provisions of subdivision (g)(1) of this section as granted to it under 7-6-217 and 7-6-218.