§ 23-91-206 - Exemption.
23-91-206. Exemption.
(a) (1) This subchapter does not apply to any person not domiciled in this state but issuing only group, blanket, or franchise policies or certificates to certificate holders or policyholders who reside in this state if fewer than twenty-five percent (25%) of the certificate holders or policyholders reside in this state and the person is regulated to a comparable extent by another state in which a larger number of certificate holders or insureds reside.
(2) (A) However, any person who is exempt from the provisions of this subchapter pursuant to this section shall, prior to the issuance of any group, blanket, or franchise policies or certificates in this state, file these policies or certificates with the Insurance Commissioner for informational purposes, together with a document to support the person's exempt status under this section.
(B) Also, each person shall file annually with the commissioner, on or before April 15, a report to verify that the exemption is still valid.
(b) (1) Prior to administering a legal referral services program, or prior to enrollment of members in a program in this state, any person who is exempt from the provisions of this subchapter shall file with the commissioner program materials and documents to support the program's exempt status under this subchapter.
(2) Subsequent to the commissioner's approval of the exemption of the program from the provisions of this subchapter, the person shall promptly file documents referencing any modifications or changes in the program for the commissioner's review and determination as to whether the program as modified is exempt from the provisions of this subchapter.