§ 23-89-213 - Premium delinquencies.

23-89-213. Premium delinquencies.

(a) All insurance companies authorized to do business in this state and issuing automobile liability insurance policies in this state shall furnish to the insured a proof-of-insurance card.

(b) The proof-of-insurance card or any temporary proof of insurance issued by the insurance company shall contain the following information:

(1) The name, address, telephone number, and National Association of Insurance Commissioners' code number of the insurer;

(2) The name and telephone number of the local agent through whom the policy was issued, if any, or a blank space where a local agent's name may be stamped or filled in;

(3) The policy number;

(4) The effective date of the insurance policy coverage and the expiration date of the insurance policy coverage;

(5) The vehicle identification number and a brief description of the insured vehicle, except that an insurance card for fleet vehicles is not required to list a separate vehicle identification number for each vehicle in the fleet;

(6) The name and address of the insured person; and

(7) The designation "Excluded Driver(s)" if a person or persons are excluded from coverage under the insurance policy.

(c) At the discretion of the Insurance Commissioner, any person or insurance company that violates this section may be subject to the following penalties:

(1) Suspension or revocation of the person's or insurer's certificate of authority to transact insurance in this state under 23-63-213; or

(2) A monetary penalty in lieu of revocation or suspension as provided under 23-63-213.