§ 23-12-908 - Killing or injuring livestock -- Notice -- Damages recoverable on failure to advertise.

23-12-908. Killing or injuring livestock -- Notice -- Damages recoverable on failure to advertise.

(a) (1) Whenever any stock, such as horses, cows, hogs, sheep, etc., are killed, wounded, or injured by railroad trains running in this state, then the conductor or engineer on the train doing the damage shall cause the station master or overseer at the nearest station house to the killing or wounding to post within one (1) week thereafter, and to keep posted for twenty (20) days thereafter, at the nearest station house and nearest depot house, a true and correct description of the stock which was killed or wounded, giving a true and correct description of the color, marks, brands, and other natural descriptions which may assist in identifying the stock and in giving the time when and place where killed or wounded.

(2) On the failure to advertise any stock so killed or wounded as provided in subdivision (a)(1) of this section, the owner shall recover double damages for all stock killed and not advertised.

(b) (1) The railroad shall pay the owner of the stock within thirty (30) days after notice is served on the railroad by the owner. Failure to do so shall entitle the owner to double the amount of damages awarded him or her by any jury trying the cause, and a reasonable attorney's fee.

(2) If the owner of the stock killed or wounded brings suit against the railroad after the thirty (30) days have expired and the jury trying the cause gives the owner a lesser amount of damage than he or she sues for, then the owner shall recover only the amount given him or her by the jury and shall not be entitled to recover any attorney's fees.