§ 23-12-409 - Signals and signboards required at tunnels.
23-12-409. Signals and signboards required at tunnels.
(a) (1) Every person, company, or corporation operating any railroad in this state or any receivers for any railroad company in this state are required to erect, operate, and maintain an automatic block signal system at all tunnels located upon their lines in this state.
(2) The block signal is to be located at least two thousand five hundred feet (2,500') from each end of the tunnel. It shall be constructed as to warn all approaching crews whenever a train is within the tunnel or within two thousand five hundred feet (2,500') of either end of the tunnel.
(b) (1) The railroad companies, corporations, or receivers operating any railroad in this state shall erect and maintain a signboard within one (1) mile of each end of all tunnels located on their lines in this state in order to warn engine crews that they are approaching a tunnel.
(2) The signboard shall contain and display in large letters the following instruction: "ONE MILE TO TUNNEL -- DANGER."
(c) This section shall not apply to tunnels fewer than one thousand five hundred feet (1,500') in length.
(d) Any railroad company or corporation, person, or receiver for any company or railroad operating a railroad within this state who shall violate or fail to comply with the provisions of this section shall upon conviction be fined in any sum not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100). Each day of violation or failure to comply with the provisions of this section shall constitute a separate offense.