§ 23-12-304 - Inspection of road crossings by commission -- Hearings and orders.

23-12-304. Inspection of road crossings by commission -- Hearings and orders.

(a) (1) It shall be the duty of the State Highway Commission, or any representative of it, to inspect any road or street crossing in this state, either on its own initiative or when its attention is called to it by any citizen.

(2) Upon a hearing the commission may make an order requiring the railroad company to protect the crossing in any manner which it considers just and reasonable, whether the crossings are at grade or over or under crossing and whether a public or private crossing.

(b) (1) It shall further be the duty of the commission, or any representative thereof, to make a personal inspection of any designated place where it is desired that a road or street, either public or private, cross any railroad in this state.

(2) Upon ten (10) days' notice as required by law and after a public hearing, the commission may make such order as in its judgment shall be just and proper. The order may provide for a crossing at grade, over or under the railroad, and shall be enforced as other orders made by the commission.

(c) By applicable federal law, the Congress has declared that laws, rules, regulations, orders, and standards relative to railroad safety shall be nationally standard to the extent practicable and that each state shall conduct and maintain a survey of all crossings and assign priorities from a safety standpoint for appropriate improvements and protective devices. The commission has made the survey, given the crossings in Arkansas hazardous index ratings, and now administers the crossing safety program in Arkansas. In view of the above, the commission is hereby designated as the sole public body to deal with, and shall have exclusive jurisdiction over, the location and construction of new, and the improving and protecting of new and existing, street, road, and highway railroad crossings in Arkansas.