§ 23-11-209 - Specific powers and liabilities.
23-11-209. Specific powers and liabilities.
Every such corporation shall possess the general powers and be subject to the general liabilities and restrictions expressed in the special powers following, that is to say:
(1) To cause such examinations and surveys by their officers, agents, and servants for the proposed railroad to be made as may be necessary for the selection of the most advantageous route for the railroad and for this purpose to enter upon lands or waters of any person, but with their officers, agents, and servants subject to responsibilities for all damages which they shall do thereto;
(2) To receive, hold, and take such voluntary grants and donations of real estate and other property as shall be made to the company to aid in the construction, maintenance, and accommodation of the railroad. However, real estate thus received by voluntary grant shall be held, used, and disposed of by the company only according to the terms of the grants;
(3) To purchase and, by voluntary grants and donations, receive and take and, by its officers, engineers and surveyors, and agents, to enter upon and take possession of and hold and use all such lands and real estate and other property as may be necessary for the construction and maintenance of its railroad and the stations, depots, and other accommodations necessary to accomplish the object for which the corporation is created, but not until the compensation to be made therefor, as agreed upon by the parties or ascertained as hereinafter provided, is paid to the owners thereof, or deposited as hereinafter directed, unless the consent of the owner is given to enter into possession;
(4) To lay out its road, not exceeding six (6) rods wide, and to construct the road, and, for the purpose of cuttings, embankments, and procurements of stone and gravel, the corporation may take as much more land, within the limits of the charter and in the manner provided hereinafter, as may be necessary for the proper construction and security of the road;
(5) To construct their road upon or across any stream of water, watercourse, road, highway, railroad, or canal which the route of the road shall intersect, but the corporation shall not fill up, change, or permanently obstruct the channel of any navigable stream or other stream of water or watercourse but shall cross the stream or watercourse by bridge, trestle, or culvert and leave the stream or watercourse open so that the water may at all times flow in the natural channel. When its bridge, trestle, or culvert is constructed, the corporation shall remove from the bed of the stream or watercourse any temporary obstruction placed therein by it which will interfere with the flow of the water and shall restore the stream or watercourse, road, or highway thus intersected to its former state, or as nearly as may be and so as not to have impaired its usefulness;
(6) To take, transport, carry, and convey persons and property and to receive tolls or compensation therefor;
(7) To erect and maintain all necessary and convenient buildings, stations, depots, yards, passing and switching facilities, fixtures, and machinery for the accommodation and use of their passengers, freight, and business and to take, obtain, and hold the lands necessary therefor;
(8) To regulate the time and manner in which passengers and property shall be transported and the tolls and compensation to be paid therefor, subject to the approval of the Arkansas Transportation Commission [abolished];
(9) To borrow money, at such rate of interest as the board of directors may determine, to be applied to the acquisition or construction of their railroad and all necessary and convenient buildings, stations, depots, yards, passing and switching facilities, and fixtures, to the purchase or other acquisition of equipment for use in connection with its business, engines, cars, and other rolling stock of every description, and to the refinancing of existing indebtedness and to no other purpose;
(10) To, at any time by means of subscription to the capital stock of any other railroad company or otherwise, aid the other company in the construction of its railroad, within or without the state, for the purpose of forming a connection to the other road, with the road owned by the company furnishing the aid. Any such railway company which may have built its road to the boundary line of the state may extend into the adjoining state and, for that purpose, may build or buy or lease a railroad in the adjoining state and operate the railroad and may own such real estate and other property in any adjoining state as may be convenient in operating the road, subject to approval by two-thirds (2/3) of its stockholders and the commission under rules and regulations established by the commission; and
(11) To make donations for the public welfare or for charitable, scientific, or educational purposes.