§ 22-7-306 - Construction of subchapter.
22-7-306. Construction of subchapter.
(a) This subchapter shall not be construed or interpreted to the effect that the State of Arkansas by this subchapter proposes, purposes, or intends to alter, diminish, take, or enlarge any estate in lands, boundary between lands, interest in or title to any estate in lands which may be described in this subchapter as to any person, firm, corporation, government, political subdivision, or entity as to any interest in any estate in the lands and areas described herein, except to assert the sovereignty and jurisdiction of the State of Arkansas over said lands as it exercises over other lands generally within this state.
(b) This subchapter shall not be construed or interpreted to the effect that the State of Arkansas by this subchapter proposes, purposes, or intends to determine, fix, compromise, confirm, cloud, affect, or settle any ownership, lien, boundary, claim, or interest in or title to any estate encompassed by the lands described in this subchapter as to any person, firm, corporation, government, political subdivision, or entity as to any interest in any estate in the lands and areas described herein, except to assert the sovereignty and jurisdiction of the State of Arkansas over said lands as it exercises over other lands generally within this state.
(c) This subchapter shall not be construed or interpreted to the effect that the State of Arkansas by this subchapter accepts, assumes, or undertakes financial liability for the remediation of any lands or areas which may exist in violation of the environmental protection laws, rules, and regulations of the United States or of the State of Arkansas.