§ 21-5-504 - Authority of state or political subdivision.

21-5-504. Authority of state or political subdivision.

(a) The state or any county, city, town, or other political subdivision may agree, by contract, with any employee to defer, in whole or in part, any portion of that employee's future compensation to a deferred compensation program.

(b) (1) The administrator of the deferred compensation program may:

(A) Contract for, purchase, or otherwise procure annuity contracts for the deferred compensation program; and

(B) Through a trust or custodian, contract for, purchase, or otherwise procure fixed or variable life insurance contracts, mutual funds, pooled investment funds, or such other investment vehicles that comply with state and federal laws and which permit the deferral of compensation for income tax and retirement savings purposes.

(2) If an annuity or life insurance contract is purchased, then it must be purchased from an insurance company licensed to contract business in this state, and any insurance agent selling such contracts must be licensed by this state.