§ 20-47-503 - System of care.

20-47-503. System of care.

The following guiding principles shall be incorporated into the system of care:

(1) Services shall be child-centered and family-centered and give priority to keeping children with their families;

(2) Services shall be community-based, with decision-making responsibility and management at the regional and local levels;

(3) Services shall be comprehensive, addressing the child's physical, educational, social, and emotional needs;

(4) Agency resources and services shall be shared and coordinated;

(5) Services shall be provided in the least restrictive setting consistent with effective services and as close to home as appropriate;

(6) Services shall be culturally and ethnically sensitive;

(7) Services shall address the unique needs and potential of each child and shall be sufficiently flexible to meet highly individualized child and family needs;

(8) Services shall promote early identification and intervention; and

(9) Services shall be designed to protect the rights of children.