§ 20-31-104 - Statewide standards -- Enforcement of chapter.
20-31-104. Statewide standards -- Enforcement of chapter.
(a) Beginning January 1, 1992, the Board of Electrical Examiners of the State of Arkansas is empowered to adopt rules and regulations to establish statewide standards for the construction, installation, and maintenance of electrical facilities and the performance of electrical work.
(b) The board shall adopt the National Electrical Code, 1990 edition, of the National Fire Protection Association.
(c) If there are updates and new editions to the National Electrical Code, the board shall, after notice and public hearing, adopt such changes and editions which it determines are necessary to ensure the public health and safety.
(d) The statewide standards shall guarantee a uniform minimum standard for the construction, installation, and maintenance of electrical facilities and for the performance of electrical work in:
(1) Any new public, business, or commercial buildings or structures constructed after July 15, 1991;
(2) Any new educational institutions or buildings constructed after July 15, 1991;
(3) Any new single-family or multifamily residence constructed after July 15, 1991; and
(4) Any other type of new construction undertaken in the State of Arkansas not specifically exempted under this chapter.
(e) The term "new" or "new construction" as used in this section shall apply to any new building or structure or any complete addition to or renovation of a building or structure where electrical conductors within are placed, added, or replaced in whole or part. It shall not apply to the repair or replacement of existing electrical conductors in existing buildings or structures or to minor repairs consisting of repairing or replacing outlets or minor working parts of electrical fixtures.
(f) It shall be the duty of the Department of Labor to administer and enforce this chapter.