§ 20-31-103 - Exemptions.

20-31-103. Exemptions.

(a) The following types of construction and structures shall be exempted from this chapter:

(1) Any construction, installation, maintenance, repair, or renovation by a public utility regulated by the Arkansas Public Service Commission, by a rural electric association or cooperative, or by a municipal utility, of any transmission or distribution lines or facilities incidental to their business and covered under other nationally recognized safety standards;

(2) Any construction, installation, maintenance, repair, or renovation of any nonresidential farm building or structure; and

(3) Any construction or manufacture of manufactured homes covered by the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974, 42 U.S.C. 5401 et seq.

(b) The exemption from compliance with the standards promulgated in this section shall not be referred to in any way, and it shall not be any evidence of the lack of negligence or the exercise of due care by a party at a trial of any civil action to recover damages by any party.

(c) The licensing requirements of this chapter do not apply to an owner that performs electrical work or the construction, maintenance, or installation of electrical facilities upon the existing primary residence of the owner or a primary residence of the owner that is under construction.