Subchapter 2 - Bedding
- § 20-27-201 - Definitions.
- § 20-27-202 - Subchapter not applicable to manufacture or renovation for domestic use.
- § 20-27-203 - Act of employee deemed that of employer.
- § 20-27-204 - Penalties.
- § 20-27-205 - Label required.
- § 20-27-206 - Removal or alteration of label.
- § 20-27-207 - Materials and bedding previously exposed to disease.
- § 20-27-208 - Reuse of mattresses from hospitals, hotels, etc., prohibited -- Exception.
- § 20-27-209 - Sterilization of renovated and remade bedding required.
- § 20-27-210 - Regulation of sterilization by State Board of Health.