Subchapter 15 - Body Piercing, Branding, and Tattooing
- § 20-27-1501 - Definitions.
- § 20-27-1502 - Unlawful to perform body art on a person under eighteen years of age.
- § 20-27-1503 - Department of Health and Human Services to license, regulate, and inspect for health hazards.
- § 20-27-1504 - Local health officials.
- § 20-27-1505 - No criminal liability.
- § 20-27-1506 - Blood-borne pathogens course.
- § 20-27-1507 - Education of artist in training.
- § 20-27-1508 - Examination -- Fee.
- § 20-27-1509 - Temporary demonstration license.