Subchapter 13 - Arkansas Quarry and Open Pit Mine Blasting Control Act
- § 20-27-1301 - Title.
- § 20-27-1302 - Definitions.
- § 20-27-1303 - Blasting standards.
- § 20-27-1304 - Notice of blasting operations.
- § 20-27-1305 - Record keeping.
- § 20-27-1306 - Insurance.
- § 20-27-1307 - Exemptions -- Owners and operators.
- § 20-27-1308 - Director -- Powers and duties generally.
- § 20-27-1309 - Hearings, orders, and notices.
- § 20-27-1310 - Cooperation with the State Fire Marshal.
- § 20-27-1311 - Existing rules and regulations -- Orders -- Remedies.
- § 20-27-1312 - Criminal penalties.
- § 20-27-1313 - Civil penalties.
- § 20-27-1314 - Restraint.
- § 20-27-1315 - Private right of action.
- § 20-27-1316 - Joint and several liability.
- § 20-27-1317 - Injunctive relief.