Subchapter 7 - Fireworks
- § 20-22-701 - Definitions.
- § 20-22-702 - Public displays excepted.
- § 20-22-703 - Other exceptions.
- § 20-22-704 - Power of municipalities unaffected.
- § 20-22-705 - Violation of subchapter -- Penalties.
- § 20-22-706 - License required -- Penalty.
- § 20-22-707 - License -- Application and issuance.
- § 20-22-708 - Possession, sale, and use unlawful -- Exceptions.
- § 20-22-709 - Labeling.
- § 20-22-710 - Location, display, sale, etc.
- § 20-22-711 - Times of permissible sales.
- § 20-22-712 - Sales to certain people prohibited.
- § 20-22-713 - Place of explosion or ignition.
- § 20-22-714 - Seizure of contraband fireworks.
- § 20-22-715 - Notice of violation -- Hearing.