§ 20-22-202 - Creation -- Members.

20-22-202. Creation -- Members.

(a) (1) The State Fire Prevention Commission shall be composed of eleven (11) residents of the State of Arkansas.

(2) Membership of the State Fire Prevention Commission shall consist of the following members by virtue of their office:

(A) The State Fire Marshal or his or her designee;

(B) The Director of the Arkansas Fire Training Academy or his or her designee; and

(C) The Chair of the Arkansas Forestry Commission or his or her designee.

(3) The following members of the State Fire Prevention Commission shall be appointed by the Governor:

(A) One (1) volunteer firefighter below the rank of chief;

(B) One (1) volunteer fire chief or chief officer of a voluntary municipal fire department;

(C) One (1) full-time fire chief or chief officer of a municipality having a population of more than sixty thousand (60,000) residents;

(D) One (1) full-time firefighter or fire department officer of a municipality having a population of less than sixty thousand (60,000) residents;

(E) Two (2) members at large active in fire protection or safety; and

(F) Two (2) persons representing the general public.

(b) Appointed members shall be appointed to three-year terms. All appointed members shall serve until their respective successors are appointed and qualify.

(c) Vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the Governor for the unexpired terms.

(d) The members of the State Fire Prevention Commission shall serve without compensation but may receive expense reimbursement in accordance with 25-16-901 et seq.