Subchapter 7 - Unclaimed Bodies
- § 20-17-701 - Rights of coroner, justice of the peace, or courts unaffected.
- § 20-17-702 - Search for next of kin.
- § 20-17-703 - Notice to Department of Anatomy of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences.
- § 20-17-704 - Delivery to University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences.
- § 20-17-705 - Wishes of deceased for disposition honored.
- § 20-17-706 - Cost of embalming and transportation.
- § 20-17-707 - Holding period for the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences.
- § 20-17-708 - Disposition after use.
- § 20-17-709 - Records.
- § 20-17-710 - Nonliability.