Subchapter 2 - Arkansas Rights of the Terminally Ill or Permanently Unconscious Act
- § 20-17-201 - Definitions.
- § 20-17-202 - Declaration relating to use of life-sustaining treatment.
- § 20-17-203 - When declaration operative.
- § 20-17-204 - Revocation of declaration.
- § 20-17-205 - Recording determination of terminal condition or permanent unconsciousness and declaration.
- § 20-17-206 - Treatment of qualified patient.
- § 20-17-207 - Transfer of patients.
- § 20-17-208 - Immunities.
- § 20-17-209 - Penalties.
- § 20-17-210 - Miscellaneous provisions.
- § 20-17-211 - When health care provider may presume validity of declaration.
- § 20-17-212 - Recognition of declaration executed in another state.
- § 20-17-213 - Effect of previous declaration.
- § 20-17-214 - Who may execute written request for another.
- § 20-17-215 - Short title.
- § 20-17-216 - Severability.
- § 20-17-217 - Effective date.
- § 20-17-218 - Repeal.