Subchapter 12 - Revised Arkansas Anatomical Gift Act
- § 20-17-1201 - Short title.
- § 20-17-1202 - Definitions.
- § 20-17-1203 - Applicability.
- § 20-17-1204 - Who may make anatomical gift before donor's death.
- § 20-17-1205 - Manner of making anatomical gift before donor's death.
- § 20-17-1206 - Amending or revoking anatomical gift before donor's death.
- § 20-17-1207 - Refusal to make anatomical gift -- Effect of refusal.
- § 20-17-1208 - Preclusive effect of anatomical gift, amendment, or revocation.
- § 20-17-1209 - Who may make anatomical gift of decedent's body or part.
- § 20-17-1210 - Manner of making, amending, or revoking anatomical gift of decedent's body or part.
- § 20-17-1211 - Persons that may receive anatomical gift -- Purpose of anatomical gift.
- § 20-17-1212 - Search and notification.
- § 20-17-1213 - Delivery of document of gift not required -- Right to examine.
- § 20-17-1214 - Rights and duties of procurement organization and others.
- § 20-17-1215 - Coordination of procurement and use.
- § 20-17-1216 - Sale or purchase of parts prohibited.
- § 20-17-1217 - Other prohibited acts.
- § 20-17-1218 - Immunity.
- § 20-17-1219 - Law governing validity -- Choice of law as to execution of document of gift -- Presumption of validity.
- § 20-17-1220 - [Reserved.]
- § 20-17-1221 - Effect of anatomical gift on advance health-care directive.
- § 20-17-1222 - Cooperation between a coroner or the state medical examiner and a procurement organization.
- § 20-17-1223 - Facilitation of anatomical gift from decedent whose body is under jurisdiction of coroner or the state medical examiner.
- § 20-17-1224 - [Reserved.]
- § 20-17-1225 - Relation to Electronic Signatures in Global And National Commerce Act.
- § 20-17-1226 - [Reserved.]
- § 20-17-1227 - [Reserved.]