Subchapter 10 - Cemetery Act for Perpetually Maintained Cemeteries
- § 20-17-1001 - Title.
- § 20-17-1002
- § 20-17-1003 - Application of subchapter -- Exceptions.
- § 20-17-1004 - Arkansas Cemetery Board -- Creation -- Members.
- § 20-17-1005 - Arkansas Cemetery Board -- Proceedings.
- § 20-17-1006
- § 20-17-1007 - Examination of cemetery.
- § 20-17-1008 - Permit -- Application.
- § 20-17-1009 - Permit -- Investigation by Department of Health.
- § 20-17-1010 - Permit -- Investigation and issuance by the Arkansas Cemetery Board.
- § 20-17-1011 - Permit -- Amendment.
- § 20-17-1012 - Permit -- Transfer of ownership.
- § 20-17-1013 - Permanent maintenance fund generally.
- § 20-17-1014 - Permanent maintenance fund -- Trustees.
- § 20-17-1015 - Permanent maintenance fund -- Annual report.
- § 20-17-1016
- § 20-17-1017 - Permanent maintenance fund -- Voluntary contributions.
- § 20-17-1018 - Permanent maintenance fund -- Penalties.
- § 20-17-1019 - Conveyance of lots.
- § 20-17-1020 - Unlawful act.
- § 20-17-1021 - Disposition of contributions and fees.
- § 20-17-1022 - Records required.
- § 20-17-1023 - Annual report of condition of cemetery company.
- § 20-17-1024 - [Repealed.]
- § 20-17-1025 - Protection of cemeteries -- Power to lend.
- § 20-17-1026 - Annual permit fee.
- § 20-17-1027 - Duties of State Securities Department.
- § 20-17-1028 - Contracts with municipality or county where a cemetery is located.
- § 20-17-1029 - Cemetery advisory boards -- Membership -- Organization -- Authority.