Subchapter 9 - Human Immunodeficiency Virus or Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
- § 20-15-901 - Free testing program -- Confidentiality.
- § 20-15-902 - Counseling -- Seminars.
- § 20-15-903 - Advising physician or dentist required -- Penalty.
- § 20-15-904 - Reporting -- Confidentiality -- Subpoenas.
- § 20-15-905 - HIV Shield Law.
- § 20-15-906 - Report to Division of Health of the Department of Health and Human Services required -- Privileged communications.
- § 20-15-907 - Title.
- § 20-15-908 - Findings and purpose.
- § 20-15-909 - Implementation.