Subchapter 19 - Colorectal Cancer Prevention, Early Detection, and Treatment Act of 2009
- § 20-15-1901 - Title. [Contingent effective date.]
- § 20-15-1902 - Findings. [Contingent effective date.]
- § 20-15-1903 - Definition. [Contingent effective date.]
- § 20-15-1904 - Program for prevention of colorectal cancer. [Contingent effective date.]
- § 20-15-1905 - Program requirements. [Contingent effective date.]
- § 20-15-1906 - Colorectal Cancer Prevention, Early Detection, and Treatment Advisory Committee. [Contingent effective date.]
- § 20-15-1907 - Colorectal Cancer Research Program. [Contingent effective date.]
- § 20-15-1908 - Oversight Committee on Colorectal Cancer Research. [Contingent effective date.]