Subchapter 2 - Office of Long-Term Care
- § 20-10-201 - Legislative intent.
- § 20-10-202 - Creation.
- § 20-10-203 - Powers and duties.
- § 20-10-204 - Notice of violation.
- § 20-10-205 - Classification of violations.
- § 20-10-206 - Civil penalties.
- § 20-10-207 - Notification to media of violations.
- § 20-10-208 - Hearings.
- § 20-10-209 - Disposition of funds.
- § 20-10-210 - Information received by Office of Long-Term Care confidential.
- § 20-10-211 - Facilities -- Regulation of staffing.
- § 20-10-212 - Appeal from denial, suspension, or revocation of license.
- § 20-10-213 - Definitions for 20-10-213 -- 20-10-228.
- § 20-10-214 - Penalties for 20-10-213 -- 20-10-228.
- § 20-10-215 - Injunction for 20-10-213 -- 20-10-228.
- § 20-10-216 - Powers and duties of the Department of Health and Human Services.
- § 20-10-217 - Construction program -- Survey and planning activities.
- § 20-10-218 - Construction program -- Federal funds for surveying and planning.
- § 20-10-219 - Construction program -- State plan.
- § 20-10-220 - Construction program -- Application for funds.
- § 20-10-221 - Construction program -- Payment of installments.
- § 20-10-222 - Construction program -- Federal funds.
- § 20-10-223 - Minimum standards for institutions.
- § 20-10-224 - License required -- Administration by Department of Human Services.
- § 20-10-225 - Alterations, additions, and new construction of facilities.
- § 20-10-226 - Inspections of facilities.
- § 20-10-227 - Annual report.
- § 20-10-228 - Information received by Department of Health and Human Services confidential.
- § 20-10-229 - Annual disclosure statement -- Requirement.
- § 20-10-230 - Annual disclosure statement -- Filing.
- § 20-10-231 - Annual disclosure statement -- Violations.
- § 20-10-232 - Regulations, client rights, and sanctions.
- § 20-10-233 - Oversight subcommittees.
- § 20-10-234 - Relicensing bed capacity.