Subchapter 19 - Dispute Resolution for Long-Term Care Facilities
- § 20-10-1901 - Purpose.
- § 20-10-1902 - Definitions.
- § 20-10-1903 - Agency to conduct the informal dispute resolution hearing.
- § 20-10-1904 - Impartial decision maker -- Qualifications.
- § 20-10-1905 - Request for an informal dispute resolution hearing.
- § 20-10-1906 - Scheduling informal dispute resolution hearings -- Submission of documentary evidence.
- § 20-10-1907 - Informal dispute resolution hearing -- Conduct.
- § 20-10-1908 - Determination of the impartial decision maker and the Office of Long-Term Care.
- § 20-10-1909 - Matters not subject to informal dispute resolution.
- § 20-10-1910 - Effect of a request for informal dispute resolution.