Subchapter 10 - Omnibus Long-Term Care Reform Act of 1988
- § 20-10-1001 - Title.
- § 20-10-1002 - Intent.
- § 20-10-1003 - Residents' rights.
- § 20-10-1004 - Prohibiting new admissions -- Hearings and appeals.
- § 20-10-1005 - Procedure for transfer or discharge of residents -- Violations.
- § 20-10-1006 - Residents' councils -- Staff coordinators -- Family councils.
- § 20-10-1007 - Adverse action against residents prohibited -- Violations.
- § 20-10-1008 - Disposition of civil penalties.
- § 20-10-1009 - Right to rescind long-term care contracts.
- § 20-10-1010 - End-of-life treatment of long-term care residents.