§ 2-18-103 - Investigation and certification.
2-18-103. Investigation and certification.
(a) (1) The State Plant Board is empowered to investigate and certify to varietal purity and fitness for planting of agricultural seed on request of the grower thereof.
(2) (A) For this purpose, the board shall set up, in its rules and regulations, one (1) or more classifications of seed, designating the classifications as "Registered" and "Certified" or by any other one (1) or more names which it may specify; and
(B) It shall specify, in its rules and regulations, the standards which seed must meet and the methods by which seed must be handled in order to be certified under the classifications.
(b) Any person applying for certification of seed must, if required by the board, produce satisfactory evidence as to character, qualifications as a seed breeder, and possession of such facilities for the growing and handling of purebred seed as may be deemed necessary by the board.