§ 19-4-1409 - Use of other funds.
19-4-1409. Use of other funds.
(a) No state agency for which appropriations have been made by the General Assembly for construction and improvements shall make any contract or incur any indebtedness payable from those appropriations unless and until there are sufficient funds on hand or, in the case of federal grants, until the grant has received final approval from the granting federal agency for the benefit of the state agency to pay for the proposed obligations under the contracts. However, any agency shall have the power to accept and use grants and donations and to use its unobligated cash income and other funds available to it for the purpose of supplementing appropriations for construction purposes.
(b) The appropriations and funds otherwise provided by the General Assembly for personal services, maintenance, and general operation of the agency shall not be used in connection with any proposed construction projects for which specific appropriations have been made by the General Assembly.