§ 17-88-304 - Examinations.
17-88-304. Examinations.
(a) (1) Any person applying for licensure, in addition to demonstrating his or her eligibility in accordance with the requirements of 17-88-302, shall make application to the Arkansas State Medical Board for examination at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of examination upon a form and in a manner as the board shall prescribe.
(2) The application shall be accompanied by a fee to be determined by the Arkansas State Occupational Therapy Examining Committee. The fee shall not be refunded.
(b) (1) An applicant who fails an examination may make reapplication for reexamination accompanied by the prescribed fee.
(2) Any applicant who fails three (3) examinations must take additional educational work in the areas of weakness as deemed necessary by the committee before being eligible for reexamination.
(c) (1) Each applicant for licensure under this chapter shall be examined by the board to test his or her knowledge of the basic and clinical sciences relating to occupational therapy and to occupational therapy theory and practice.
(2) The knowledge tested will include the applicant's professional skills and judgment in the utilization of occupational therapy techniques and methods and any other subjects the board, with the advice of the committee, may deem useful to determine the applicant's fitness to practice.
(3) The committee shall establish standards for acceptable performance.
(d) (1) Applicants for licensure shall be examined at a time and place and under such supervision as the board may determine.
(2) Examination shall be given at least two (2) times each year at such places within this state as the board may determine. The board shall give reasonable public notice of the examination in accordance with its rules at least sixty (60) days prior to their administration and shall notify by mail all individual examination applicants of the time and place of their administration.
(e) Applicants may obtain their examination scores and may review their papers in accordance with such rules as the board may establish.