§ 17-50-104 - Violations.

17-50-104. Violations.

(a) It shall be unlawful and a violation of this chapter, unless exempted under the provisions of 17-50-107(b) and 17-50-108(b), for:

(1) Any person to engage in well construction or pump installation unless the work is performed under the supervision of an individual certified by the Commission on Water Well Construction in the type of work done;

(2) (A) Any water well contractor to fail to deliver a report on water well construction to the commission within ninety (90) days after completion of well construction.

(B) The report on water well construction shall contain such information as may be requested by appropriate rules and regulations of the commission and shall be upon forms supplied by the commission;

(3) Any person to install, construct, repair, or alter a water well or water well pumping equipment which is not in compliance with appropriate rules and regulations or is a health hazard;

(4) A person to operate a rig without a permit as prescribed in 17-50-310; or

(5) A person to enter into a contract for well construction or pump installation or hold himself or herself out in the business as a water well contractor without posting bond or bond fee and holding a license as provided in 17-50-304 -- 17-50-309.

(b) Every day or any part of a day in which a violation occurs shall constitute a separate offense.