§ 16-98-307 - Drug Court Advisory Committee -- Creation.

16-98-307. Drug Court Advisory Committee -- Creation.

(a) There is created a Drug Court Advisory Committee.

(b) The Drug Court Advisory Committee shall consist of the following members:

(1) The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court or the Chief Justice's designee who shall serve as chair;

(2) The Director of the Administrative Office of the Courts or the director's designee;

(3) A judge to be appointed by the Arkansas Judicial Council;

(4) The Director of the Department of Community Correction or the director's designee;

(5) The Director of the Department of Human Services or the director's designee;

(6) The Director of the Office of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention or the director's designee;

(7) A prosecutor appointed by the Prosecutor Coordinator;

(8) A public defender appointed by the Executive Director of the Arkansas Public Defender Commission;

(9) A member of the Senate appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate;

(10) A member of the House of Representatives appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives;

(11) The Arkansas Drug Director or the Arkansas Drug Director's designee; and

(12) The Chair of the Board of Corrections or the chair's designee.

(c) The chair or the chair's designee shall promptly call the first meeting after April 4, 2007.

(d) (1) The committee shall conduct its meetings at the State Capitol or at any place designated by the chair or the chair's designee.

(2) Meetings shall be held at least one (1) time every three (3) months but may occur more often at the call of the chair.

(e) If any vacancy occurs on the committee, the vacancy shall be filled by the same process as the original appointment.

(f) The committee shall establish rules and procedures for conducting its business.

(g) Members of the committee shall serve without compensation.

(h) A majority of the members of the committee shall constitute a quorum for transacting any business of the committee.

(i) (1) The committee is established to promote collaboration and provide recommendations on issues involving drug courts.

(2) The committee may provide advice and review on at least the following:

(A) Provisions to identify data to be collected for evaluation; and

(B) Provisions to ensure uniform data collection.