§ 16-93-1204 - Authorization.

16-93-1204. Authorization.

(a) The Board of Corrections shall implement a correctional plan, to be developed in conjunction with the Arkansas Sentencing Commission, which ensures the efficient use of prison beds, which are becoming scarce resources, through the development and expansion of community correction options which will provide supervision, correction, and services to a primary target group of nonviolent offenders who would otherwise have been eligible for and likely to be sentenced to traditional incarceration.

(b) The community correction target group shall consist of those offenders:

(1) Who are involved in less serious criminal activity or are nonviolent by nature and crime, or both, even though the offender and the offense may be repetitive;

(2) Who are technical violators of community supervision; and

(3) Who are returning to the community from incarceration who are in need of enhanced supervision options due to the nature of their criminal conviction.