§ 16-88-108 - Jurisdiction of counties -- Offenses generally.

16-88-108. Jurisdiction of counties -- Offenses generally.

(a) When any offense may be committed on the boundary of two (2) counties or where the person committing the offense may be on one side and the injury is done on the other side of the boundary, the indictment may be found and the trial and conviction thereon had in either of the counties. If it is uncertain where the boundary is, the indictment may be found and a trial had in either county.

(b) Where a river is the boundary between two (2) counties, the criminal jurisdiction of each county shall embrace offenses committed on the river or any island thereof.

(c) Where the offense is committed partly in one county and partly in another or the acts or effects thereof requisite to the consummation of the offense occur in two (2) or more counties, the jurisdiction is in either county.