§ 16-22-102 - Delinquent noncustodial parents.
16-22-102. Delinquent noncustodial parents.
The Office of Child Support Enforcement of the Revenue Division of the Department of Finance and Administration, upon reaching a cooperative agreement with the Arkansas Supreme Court, is hereby authorized to develop procedures under which the Clerk of the Supreme Court may each year furnish the Office of Child Support Enforcement with a list of those persons who possess a law license and the office shall notify the Clerk of the Supreme Court regarding a review of the law license whenever a noncustodial parent on the list is delinquent on a court-ordered child support payment or an adjudicated arrearage in an amount equal to six (6) months' obligation or more or is the subject of an outstanding failure to appear warrant, body attachment, or bench warrant pursuant to a child support order.