§ 16-21-119 - Contingent expense funds generally.
16-21-119. Contingent expense funds generally.
(a) The prosecuting attorney of each judicial district shall be allowed a contingent expense of his office, including telephone, telegraph, postage, printing, office supplies and equipment, office rent, stationery, traveling expense, special service, operation of automobiles, and such other expenses which, within the discretion of the prosecuting attorney, may be a proper expense of the office. It shall also include necessary expenses in connection with any proper investigation incident to any criminal law violation or trials before any grand jury, or any court within the judicial district, coming within the duties of his office.
(b) The expense provided for in subsection (a) of this section shall be paid by the several counties of this state by vouchers signed by the prosecuting attorney and allowed by the county court as claims against the general revenue fund of said county, and for the purpose of providing a just and equitable manner and method of payment, the several counties of the State of Arkansas are classified as follows:
(1) All counties having a population of less than fifteen thousand (15,000) persons according to the most recent federal census and with an assessed valuation of less than two million dollars ($2,000,000) shall pay annually not in excess of two hundred dollars ($200). However, Cleveland County, Dallas County, Nevada County, Lafayette County, and Montgomery County shall pay annually not in excess of four hundred dollars ($400);
(2) All counties having a population in excess of fifteen thousand (15,000) persons and not in excess of twenty-five thousand (25,000) persons according to the most recent federal census and with an assessed valuation of less than five million dollars ($5,000,000) shall pay annually not in excess of four hundred dollars ($400). However, Drew County, Bradley County, and Clark County shall pay annually not in excess of six hundred dollars ($600) and Woodruff County shall pay annually not in excess of eight hundred dollars ($800);
(3) All counties now or hereafter having a population in excess of twenty-five thousand (25,000) persons and not in excess of twenty-nine thousand (29,000) persons according to the most recent federal census and with an assessed valuation of less than seven million five hundred thousand dollars ($7,500,000) shall pay annually not in excess of five hundred dollars ($500). However, Hempstead County, Chicot County, and Ashley County shall pay annually not in excess of eight hundred dollars ($800);
(4) All counties having a population in excess of twenty-nine thousand (29,000) persons and not in excess of forty thousand (40,000) persons according to the most recent federal census and with an assessed valuation of less than eleven million dollars ($11,000,000) shall pay annually not in excess of eight hundred dollars ($800). However, St. Francis County and White County shall pay annually not in excess of one thousand two hundred dollars ($1,200), and Saline County shall pay annually not in excess of three thousand dollars ($3,000);
(5) (A) All counties having a population in excess of forty thousand (40,000) persons and not in excess of fifty thousand (50,000) persons according to the most recent federal census and with assessed valuation of less than fifteen million dollars ($15,000,000) shall pay annually not in excess of one thousand dollars ($1,000). However, Phillips County shall pay annually not in excess of one thousand four hundred dollars ($1,400);
(B) Any county with a population of not less than fifty-two thousand (52,000) persons nor more than sixty-one thousand (61,000) persons according to the 1970 federal census shall pay annually the sum of six thousand dollars ($6,000);
(6) All counties now or hereafter having a population in excess of fifty thousand (50,000) persons and not in excess of seventy-five thousand (75,000) persons according to the most recent federal census and with an assessed valuation of less than twenty-five million dollars ($25,000,000) shall pay annually not in excess of one thousand two hundred dollars ($1,200). However, Jefferson County shall pay annually not in excess of one thousand eight hundred dollars ($1,800);
(7) All counties having a population in excess of seventy-five thousand (75,000) persons and not in excess of one hundred twenty thousand (120,000) persons according to the most recent federal census and with an assessed valuation of less than fifty million dollars ($50,000,000) shall pay annually not in excess of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500);
(8) All counties having a population in excess of two hundred forty thousand (240,000) persons according to the most recent federal census and with an assessed valuation of not less than fifty million dollars ($50,000,000) shall pay annually not less than one hundred twenty-seven thousand dollars ($127,000), nor more than one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000), as established by the quorum court of the counties.
(c) Any county falling within one (1) classification according to population, but falling within a smaller classification according to the assessed valuation, shall be considered as being within, and shall pay expense according to, the larger classification.