§ 16-20-401 - Duties of clerk generally.

16-20-401. Duties of clerk generally.

(a) The county clerk shall, by virtue of his or her office, be clerk of the county court for his or her county.

(b) It shall be his or her duty to attend each regular or special session of the court, either in person or by deputy, and to keep and preserve in his or her office a complete and correct record of the proceedings of the court.

(c) When a report filed under 14-86-103 or an affidavit of a district resident containing substantially the same information required under 14-86-103(c) and filed with the county clerk indicates a vacancy in a district board or district commission, the county clerk shall provide a written notice of the vacancy to:

(1) The members of the district board or the district commission; and

(2) The county court.

(d) When a report filed under 14-86-103 or an affidavit of a district resident containing substantially the same information required under 14-86-103(c) and filed with the county clerk indicates a vacancy in a district board or a district commission has not been filled in the interval after the county clerk gave the notices required under subsection (c) of this section, the county clerk shall provide a written notice of the continuing vacancy to:

(1) The members of the district board or the district commission;

(2) The county court; and

(3) Any prosecuting attorney whose judicial district has jurisdiction over the district board or the district commission.