§ 16-10-133 - Trial court staff.

16-10-133. Trial court staff.

(a) Beginning July 1, 1996, positions shall be authorized and funds appropriated to the Auditor of State from the State Administration of Justice Fund to provide one (1) staff person for each of the judges of the circuit courts. The staff person may be employed to perform secretarial, docketing, and management services. Each judge of the circuit court shall report to the Administrative Office of the Courts his or her intention to employ such a staff person. Two (2) or more judges within a judicial district may employ jointly, in their discretion, one (1) staff person when coordinated with the office.

(b) A circuit judge authorized by subsection (a) of this section to employ a staff person shall have the authority to select and hire the person who will serve, and any person so employed shall serve at the will and pleasure of the judge.

(c) The entry level salary of a trial court staff person shall be equal to that established in the state pay plan at grade 16.

(d) A county or counties shall be authorized to supplement the base salary of any trial court staff person when approved by the quorum court. Any county or counties that employed a trial court administrative assistant as of July 1, 1996, and that supplemented their salaries pursuant to this subsection shall be required to continue to provide said supplement so long as the trial court administrative assistant shall continue to be employed in that position in the county.

(e) A staff person shall be subject to the Uniform Attendance and Leave Policy Act, 21-4-201 et seq., as administered by the judge by whom he or she is employed.

(f) A trial judge who already has one (1) or more staff persons on April 13, 1995, shall designate one (1) such staff person to be subject to and paid by the provisions of this section.