§ 15-42-104 - Hunting and fishing licenses for residents -- Special fees.

15-42-104. Hunting and fishing licenses for residents -- Special fees.

(a) (1) The maximum fee for the annual resident basic hunting license for any resident of the State of Arkansas who is sixteen (16) years of age or older for the privilege of taking small game and the taking of one (1) deer by the use of a modern center-fire firearm shall be as provided by the regulations and within the bag limits promulgated by the Arkansas State Game and Fish Commission but shall not exceed eleven dollars and fifty cents ($11.50) each until July 1, 1997, when the maximum fee shall revert to ten dollars and fifty cents ($10.50).

(2) The maximum fee for the annual resident sportsman hunting license for any resident of the State of Arkansas who is sixteen (16) years of age or older for the privilege of taking three (3) deer and all other game by any method of taking shall be as provided by the regulations and within the bag limits promulgated by the commission but shall not exceed twenty-six dollars ($26.00) each until July 1, 1997, when the maximum fee shall revert to twenty-five dollars ($25.00) each.

(3) In addition to the annual resident basic and sportsman hunting license fees authorized in this subsection, the commission by regulation may provide that any resident of this state who is sixteen (16) years of age or older be required:

(A) For the privilege of hunting migratory birds in this state, to obtain a special permit and pay a special annual fee not to exceed seven dollars ($7.00) each;

(B) For the privilege of taking a bonus deer in addition to the deer authorized with the basic hunting license and the sportsman hunting license, to obtain a special permit and pay a special fee not to exceed ten dollars ($10.00) each; and

(C) For the privilege of hunting elk in this state, to obtain a special permit and pay a special annual fee not to exceed thirty-five dollars ($35.00) each.

(4) Nothing contained herein is intended to restrict the authority of the commission to charge any resident of the state an additional fee solely for the purpose of entering upon and hunting upon any land owned or leased by the commission.

(b) (1) The maximum fee for the annual resident fishing license for any resident of the State of Arkansas who is sixteen (16) years of age or older shall be as provided by the regulations promulgated by the commission but shall not exceed eleven dollars and fifty cents ($11.50) each until July 1, 1997, when the maximum fee shall revert to ten dollars and fifty cents ($10.50) each.

(2) In addition to the annual resident fishing license fee authorized in this subsection, the commission by regulation may provide that any resident of this state sixteen (16) years of age or older be required for the privilege of fishing for trout in this state to obtain a special permit and pay a special annual fee not to exceed five dollars ($5.00).

(3) In lieu of the annual resident fishing license fee authorized in this subsection, the commission by regulation may provide that any resident of this state sixteen (16) years of age or older be authorized to purchase a three-day-trip fishing license for a fee not to exceed seven dollars and fifty cents ($7.50) each until July 1, 1997, when the maximum fee shall revert to six dollars and fifty cents ($6.50) each.

(c) The maximum fee for the annual resident combination sportsman hunting and fishing license for any resident of the State of Arkansas who is sixteen (16) years of age or older for all hunting and fishing privileges except those covered by the migratory bird and trout permits shall be as provided by the regulations and within the bag limits as promulgated by the commission but shall not exceed thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents ($37.50) each until July 1, 1997, when the maximum fee shall revert to thirty-five dollars and fifty cents ($35.50).

(d) (1) The commission:

(A) Shall provide for the issuance of a lifetime hunting and fishing license, with an optional lifetime trout stamp and lifetime state duck stamp, to a resident of this state who is:

(i) Sixty-five (65) years of age or older for a one-time fee of thirty-five dollars and fifty cents ($35.50);

(ii) A totally disabled military veteran for a one-time fee of thirty-five dollars and fifty cents ($35.50); or

(iii) Any age for a one-time fee of one thousand dollars ($1,000); and

(B) May provide for the issuance of a lifetime hunting-only license or a lifetime fishing-only license for a fee that shall not exceed the fee that the resident would be charged otherwise for the issuance of a lifetime license under subdivision (d)(1)(A) of this section.

(2) The commission shall offer a resident issued a lifetime hunting and fishing license under subdivision (d)(1)(A) of this section or a hunting-only license or a fishing-only license under subdivision (d)(1)(B) of this section:

(A) A lifetime trout stamp for a one-time fee of five dollars ($5.00);

(B) A lifetime state duck stamp for a one-time fee of seven dollars ($7.00); or

(C) Both a lifetime trout stamp and a lifetime state duck stamp for a one-time fee of twelve dollars ($12.00).

(3) The commission:

(A) Shall provide for the issuance of a three-year disabled hunting and fishing license to a resident of this state who is totally disabled for a fee of thirty-five dollars and fifty cents ($35.50); and

(B) May provide for the issuance of a hunting-only license or a fishing-only license to a resident of this state who is totally disabled for a fee that shall not exceed thirty-five dollars and fifty cents ($35.50).

(e) For this section, the commission may promulgate rules that:

(1) Define "military veteran", "resident", and "totally disabled"; and

(2) Govern the sale and use of each license, permit, or stamp issued under this section.