§ 15-23-308 - Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission of the Department of Arkansas Heritage -- Duties.

15-23-308. Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission of the Department of Arkansas Heritage -- Duties.

The Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission of the Department of Arkansas Heritage shall:

(1) Survey, evaluate, and assess the rivers to be considered for designation as components in the Arkansas Natural and Scenic Rivers System;

(2) Recommend to the General Assembly rivers to be considered for entry into the system;

(3) Contract for any professional services with any federal, state, or local governmental agency or private individual or organization as may be necessary for the proper performance of its functions under this subchapter;

(4) Organize, establish, and serve on an advisory committee for each river considered for recommendation for designation into the system; and

(5) Review water-related projects, including state and federal projects, for their potential impacts on the Arkansas natural stream system.